You're Not Too Old
Is Casebook Connect literally the worst website or does it hate me personally?
Me reading that thread of people thirsting for Shep
Ideas for a sober person in Portland
date day with the gal
Craig and Molly
I am at the top of my class and I am a barely-functioning, miserable wreck of a person
Doggy Day Care recommendations?
Any Soda Shops in town?
This period between Christmas and New Year’s…
Finally putting my legal education to good use. Making cheese.
Day 1 again 👋🏻 Make me laugh, what’s the stupidest reason you’ve given for why you couldn’t give up booze?
In Memoriam: 5 products I was loved in 2024 that have been discontinued.
El Rayo vs Taco Escobarr
Why do grades make no sense
Spotted Katie in the wild…
Do you think Katie and Nick's relationship will last??
What do 3L's know that 1L's don't?
How did y’all study 8+ hours a day during reading period?
What rapper would you feel most comfortable leaving your child with?
That alone could be his new full-time job.
JT’s letter arriving next to 10 canes? Love it
Is law school as bad as everyone makes it out to be?
Craig focusing on his future, making better choices and I’m so proud of how far he’s come. He’s growing up!♥️