Stating the obvious.
I have a question to „former“ rhodesians.
Where and how can I buy big opals?
Switch lite
While walking in the Palpa desert (near Nazca, Peru) looking for geoglyphs to film for my YT channel, I stumbled upon some skulls, including one with a rope running through a hole in its forehead, and one with hair still attached to it.
Is this kind of thing even real?
Was told I should post my couch monster here
It's -1 you looneys go home
How do I train my cat to use a cardboard scratch (to stop him from destroying the furniture) and to stop him from sitting on it.
Which narrator on audible is an instant Yes for you
Does anyone know how to remove this off my home screen?
Who here regularly watches live televisionm
Is any of this authentic British food? What would be worth trying?
100€ to welcome 2025 !
Thoughts on this?
Why can nobody here drive or deal with a little bit of snow?
Thinking of switching back to Kindle…🫣
What club to support?
We need to legalize opium
Ignoring quantity and value, which precious stone would you choose? Gold or Opal? Let's see if we get some to change to Gold. I am an Opal guy myself.
The state of Scottish football
Kingfisher, taken today... Gentle cc please?