Reddit Update
Red or Blonde?
Help! I can't figure out what to do 😭
People who think Gavin Newsom would make a good candidate aren't our best.
Should I get highlights again?
Has anyone ever had someone say to them "your flaws make you beautiful" when they know you have BDD, or something to that effect?
Help with my hair situation 😵💫
Is dating a Pandora’s Box if you’re happy alone? Is it better not to know what I’m missing?
Cutting the hair short - what's the big deal
Steve almost had a bird for lunch. Is bird menu item for these rascals?
AIO my 37M is attracted to 18 year olds
Is it normal for Democrats to go through this level of reckoning after a presidential loss?
I hate my body
I have a crush on someone at work, but I'm married. How do I get over this?
All the girls on pinterest/tiktok/instagram look the same
I need your opinions!
I swear some people shouldn’t take their kids to restaurants
Do you guys think I could pull off this haircut
How bad would the name Saoirse in the States be?
Question 1/2
Need help breaking the color palette
Changing clothes
I would've estimated waaaaaay lower than that omg
AIO for this text conversation with my mom?
Please help me understand why I look “off”