Still gorgeous even no filter
hoping this doesn’t seem too awkward
Could you fit your hands around waist?
who's your best girl?
What’s a popular misconception about your job or industry?
normal father and daughter bonding
What are the most effective strategies for mitigating climate change?
which one?
What’s the most unusual thing you’ve ever eaten?
"the worst she can say is no"
Well, yeah
It describes 90% of us😂😂😂 (not mine)
hello everynyan
What’s your favorite type of music/movies?
thoughts abt black lagoon?
can't blame me tho
What’s something you’ve always wanted to learn or try?
if you've become a quirk user what quirk would u pick?
What’s your favorite childhood memory?
recommend me isekai anime/manga that's similar to overlord, log horizon, and sao