Best/Forgotten Mormon Websites - New Generations
Your Story Matters: 15-Minute Survey for my Dissertation
How Long Would It Take to Perform All Ordinances for Everyone Who’s Ever Lived?
Joseph Smith biography reco’s
PIMO/Nuanced While in Leadership
CES Letters Podcast Now “Study and Faith”
D&C 1:38 - “whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same”
Earliest Mention of the Golden Plates?
Any tips for a farewell talk
Fully active, but no longer believe (for the last 10 years). Perspective or recommendations?
Worth it? An Insider's View of Mormon Origins.
"How do I discuss the lack of evidence for LDS truth claims with my TBM parents?"
Thought Experiment - Best Apologetic/Evidence for Belief?
5-Minute Sacrament Talk
Belief After a Faith Crisis
Same Ten People - Is it a problem?
Two Forms of the Catalyst Theory
David Wright and Mormonism
The data do not support the Book of Mormon nor any of the supernatural claims of Joseph Smith
New Book of Mormon Introduction Removed from Book of Mormon App
Slow Burn or Shelf Collapse Faith Loss?
Any chance apologists are pretending to believe?
Theories on “why they stay”?
Any thoughts on Benjamin Park's American Zion?
Amazing Speech by Grant Hardy