Mike Tyson vows to bring 'devil himself' into ring vs. Jake Paul
Need a quote for the letter I
Every morning with these two. What is this behavior? Is the white one annoyed?
Kobe & Vanessa 🥰
I don't know guys, maybe I'm bad, but BGB feels pretty bad.
New to MW Monk, why was Cyclone able to disorient me here even though I am running Absolute Serenity?
What is this gold dot that is hitting me even after every debuff has fallen? I've confirmed my priest was not running void leech.
Haven't played Rogue in forever. What takes me out of my vanish here? -and why does my Stealth icon keep flashing available/unavailable from behind LoS?
As someone who is trying to learn Warlock into these Fury/UhDK players
Feral buffs , Blizzard what have you done ??
Aug doing 1 million DPS in 2s?
The Mythic dungeon difficulty spike feels fantastic
Do tanks have a place in Blitz?
DH players, is Fury of the Aldrachi bugged? Empowered Blade Dance after Chaos Strike is never tracking more than 3 extra hits for me.
If you live in Laredo TX, you can hear the gunshots coming from the Mexican side
Worst tourney host
Fucking coward
Wanted to see how some of the new weapons fare into Melania
How tf do I get up here?
Zamor Ranger look I am bringing into NG+
Confused about this part of the lore...
Rate My Knightess
Man I felt so slick up in this spot, this game continues to humble me.
Why did Bernahl join Volcano Manor?