New player here. What's the fastest way to hit high elo in UFC 5 (div 18+)?
How to counter roundhouse to the body?
How to apply more pressure on sparring (yellow durag)
How to kick the inner thigh properly without striking the groin area?
Astarion made me uncomfortable throughout the game and I couldn't figure out why and then it hit me. He looks, acts, and sounds like this mf.
What's the biggest benefit of training Muay Thai for you, aside of course from fitness and learning the martial art?
Whats ur advice and critics my boxing
spamming body kick meta?
How do you defend against the altered clinch position
I’m obsessed with Aleksandr Karelin.
Nose conditioning
What guard should I use.
Who's the deadliest fighter for each division?
How do you improve your STARTING fitness in career mode?
For boxing defense, which equipment will help the most in developing defensive skills?
which style should I train in?
What should a newbie look for when starting out?
no umbrella, no reflexes, no hope
In the end, is there anything like a "Player Vs CPU" mode?
Why is Dr. Gero so hard? It’s making me not want to play this game anymore because I can’t beat him with piccolo
Beerus Nerf in update 1.20
Opponent fails TOD? REVERSAL TOD
Why are things so much easier after the ginyu force?