Non-gifted, ADHD, yet high academic and job performance?
Anyone else an obsessive skin picker?
Possible mild dyspraxia?
My adhd evaluation went south
Did your ocd start around age 8-9? I suspect it did for many. I wonder Why?
Constant fear of having committed a micro aggression.
Is anyone else the opposite -- obsessed with bills, etc.?
Should my husband sacrifice his own ADHD friendly work atmosphere to help me with my sleep issues?
I was recently diagnosed and felt very confident about my diagnosis. Now, after following this sub, I feel less certain.
Diagnosed without neuropsychological testing?
Is it possible to have ADHD but are stellar at keeping your house clean? Great at organization? Remembering appointments?
How many people thought of themselves as a “free spirit” prior to diagnosis?
meds that have helped you all?
Is this ocd?
Does anybody else feel like their OCD “isn’t bad enough?”
If you are enneagram 4x5 what is your partners type and wing?
Want to transfer graduate programs: but how?
Looking for support
I'd love some tips for starting/cultivating a practice.
I wasn’t diagnosed. I am devastated.
Such thing as a happy 4?
This made me laugh this morning
I want to feel broken and whole at the same time
have you ever caught yourself thinking the exact same line repeatedly?