Completely new to anime, what should I watch next?
Question about the stopping point of season 1 (SPOILERS)
Colored chapter #111, This my first time coloring a panel so any tips will be appreciated
Looking for Blue Box anime reactions!
Question for Manga readers
when should we expect season 2?
Best Ayanokoji Side profile? You can Rate Only 2 as your top 2.
Which friend group are you choosing? What are your Top 3 picks
Question for novel readers
¿is there any other translation for the manga?
How you feel about these?
What the fuck is this
Lol this is getting out of hand now 😭
First attempts. Thoughts and advice?
Simple pair for the winter. What do y'all think?
1st time making my own designs, need help deciding which soles to use and also what to improve in general
Happy New Year! I wish you all find a girlfriend and be less turned on in 2025!
Poor Rem :(
You Get 24 Hours With One Person; Who Are You Picking And What Are You Doing?
Is she still Significant or No longer? And if she’s no longer significant, since when?
It hurts [Y2V12.5]
Where To Watch Deadpool & Wolverine Online For Free?
Age appropriate anime suggestions for my 8 year old son *preferably Crunchyroll*
can someone recommend me some good series to watch? (Some showed I’ve really enjoyed are below for reference)