Did the popularity of the Fellowship (movie) hurt the Two Towers and RotK?
Josh went back to the scene of the crime. He’s literally disabled.
Im a scientology defender (not advocate). Can you tell me if my defense is valid or misguided? Asking in good faith!
Cards from the deck I'm creating for myself
The three worst episodes… according to IMBD, thoughts?
If the person you hate the most were to experience one slight inconvenience every day for the rest of their lives, what would you choose it to be?
[spoilers S3] Two outstanding questions
2 questions about the ending
Demarest NJ living
Why do restaurants make workers work sick? Is this not a health code violation?
I still need a name for this guy… I’ve narrowed it down to: Spencer, Rupert, Ferris, Boris, Moose, or Snake. What’s your fave?
Has anyone been to Mr SuperWow’s restaurant?
Cats and Peace Lilys - how serious are these?
Unpopular opinion: yeah, I get Jane Wickline's humour now
I find renting movies on YouTube is the happy median between pirating and being gouged by countless subscription services.
Roommate/Co-leasee I'm renting with wants to move an outlet
What is your current rotation of mindless phone games?
Do you ever feel guilty or cheating using vyvanse/adderall?
Installing a window screen in a high rise, but still let it close: new cat foster!
Win a Date With Tad Hamilton! Kate Bosworth chose the wrong guy!
Best Depiction of Hell in a Movie?
Thoughts on significance of Dave the manager?
The Patient - S01E10 [TBD] - Episode Discussion
What are some lines from the show that were delivered perfectly?
Why is HBO so good?