Cleo, a math icon!
Butler County, OH Sheriff Richard Jones poses next to a newly-installed sign outside his County jail
Digitone 2 Gain Staging
What synth that you've owned has the best default patch/patches? Which had the worst?
Theory: Javi’s friend wS >!Francios The Mime!<
digitone 2 - aftertouch
Any predictions/wants for new Digitone 2 machines?
Smallest polyphonic instrument or your idea for one?
Octatrack Mk2 vs Squarp Hapax
How do you feel about sanskrit in yoga class?
Live DJ yoga class, what should I play?
Is there something like GitHub for ableton?
We're making original music using sounds from BART
I’m gonna tell my kids this was Nicholas Bourbaki
I make noise using a bicycle to that triggers oscillators. Please listen
Stop walking on people’s mats
Trump's new Justice Department leadership orders a freeze on civil rights cases
What if his name was Gun Ra and he shot people instead of playing saxophone
Sus Syntakt Pattern
Is Digitone II swarmer machine identical to the one in Syntakt?
Is there going to be more synth engines on Digitone 2 through firmware updates?
Controlling Digitone 2 with MIDI CC (feedback and relative CC values)
Do people contain multitudes? Good people doing bad things?
NASA moves swiftly to end DEI programs, ask employees to “report” violations | "Failure to report this information within 10 days may result in adverse consequences."