DIV- desquamative inflammatory vaginitis
Albumin blood test
Help! Anyone been able to resolve this?
I feel guilty about having sex with vulvodynia
Osphena - ospemifene
No treatment has worked, I'm out of options
Is yellow sour smelling discharge normal?
Please recommend base cream and wetting agent for estridol and testosterone cream. I’m very sensitive and prone to yeast/bv
Verbally Processing
cut on labia
How do I find someone to diagnose DIV? I looked at NVA website and the offices I called are clueless
Compounding Pharmacy recs!
Is nystatin itself the problem or the cream base it comes in?
DIV questions
White stuff on labia? Help??
Does estrogen cream burn at first?
Skyn condom FYI
natural fiber swimsuit?
Natural bras?
May Outdoors in MI… no dress code
Chronic fixed drug eruptions
What cured you? Im desperate.
I need to be on birth control pill for endo - so will I have pain with sex forever?
i need advice :((
Jaki London