What’s the dumbest reason you’ve had to restart a day?
What causes this pale border around eyebrows?
Stressed after Ped said my son is behind on talking
my 14 month old doesn’t seem interested in solids or a sippy cup
Did SVE add this seed as a new crafting recipe?! or one of my other mods
Does anyone know how I can fix this?
Stuck on loading screen
Cats vs Dogs? Which is your go to?! Color preference?
Is smapi available now for 1.5?
i would love to add some people to play with !!! <3
i would love to add some people to play with !!
im the luckiest person i swear 😼
updated version of my farm on spring of year 3 !! :3 along with my greenhouse, farmhouse, fruit cave and quarry !!!!!
Which flooring looks better next to my greenhouse?
my farm in spring of year 2 ! i get tons of inspo from this subreddit :))