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Mod Post - From Karen Avizur - Please Read
Have you ever gone camping with someone special...
My dog won't eat unless I sit there and give her small handfuls at a time
Sandi's Van Causes Chaos In The QI Studio
It makes no sense that he's called Hawkeye if his vision isn't his superpower. He should be called Bullseye.
Why is he called Hawkeye if his vision isn't his superpower? He should be called Bullseye.
Are panelists allowed a little alcohol before or during the show?
QI Series V Behind The Scenes Banter
Stephen Fry is knighted for his services to mental health awareness
Anyone have a medication recommendation for nausea?
I think I know what gas station they stopped at...
Jack every time something like this happens
Robbery: Ain’t my job (sips coffee)
I'm looking for an ebook I read a while back. ChatGPT helped me remember what it's called, but I can't find it!
How should I approach my him at work?
Looking for Story Thread #255
Playback is lagging with 32-bit float audio?
If only all the gummy bears were this small!
This Olona Limacodidae caterpillar is like a walking gummy bear
Be Careful Of What You Whisper In The Forest, Because Trees Have Ears
Our Monster, Susan
Apparently Wendy's asked the public, "How much do you like Spongebob?" and we said, "Yes."
Large-scale study links ketamine to lower risk of suicidal ideation in depression patients
Mass pink leaflet air campaign in London - 1970's
I read this in Alan's voice.
[WP] You live in a world where magical creatures co-exist along side humanity, and here you are, working as an exterminator.