So, in the face of impending fire, when does property count as abandoned?
Opinions on CCW takes
People who don’t want to pay for cleaning hallways, stairs and elevator
Can we consume “chemically pure” potassium and magnesium that are sold in lab supplies store?
Why do we build multi million dollars cheap wooden houses vs stronger , fire resistant houses like in Europe?
How many ways can you link the fires in Southern California to “extreme free market capitalism”?
Why are the self defense benefits of guns ignored? Is one life worth 13?
Need help Identifying the rifles
In what ways would an ancap society make your life personally more difficult?
Found this interestingly worded tid-bit on Wikipedia's ballot stuffing article
If Houses Were Built to Current Code, Would We Need To Drip Faucets?
Britain is a failed country
Throat Mics?
I recently had a near death experience at work.
Should We Prioritize Ideological Purity or Practical Outcomes?
Climate Change
Am I doing Full Size Friday wrong since a G19 is a compact?
How on earth are Texans happy with Ted Cruz?
Thoughts on proposed replacement of income tax with tariffs?
Shamelessly stolen from X
What about if a country can't be fully libertarian but we can shop around for freedom we like?
I wish ancap could work but I don’t know if it does.
Yay or Nay - single man traveling with married woman
another question