IVF is such a mindf*ck
My doctor doesn't know what is wrong either
Day to day changes
Should I push for hysteroscopy?
Irritability in transfer stage worse than retirival
Negative 7dp5dt
Decision to move on to GC?
FET 4 Today!
Egg retrieval #2 today and feeling lonely
Any tips for positive thinking /mindset?
What % of eggs do you expect to be mature?
Segmental Aneuploid?
IVF puppy
Fertile guarantee at CNY
Part time for fertility benefits
Day 3 vs day 5 transfer for single embryo?
I’m so embarrassed…
I’ll never take a home pregnancy test again
CNY - what will they transfer?
First FET failed.
ICSI - 6dp5dt hopeless
Frustrated with my clinic - have you ever made a complaint?
2 eggs
Anxious - how do you deal?
has DHEA or CoQ10 changed your period?