I need encouragement: SAHM in residency
Irritability 2 weeks in
For those who take sertraline, what do you do when you can’t remember if you’ve taken your daily dose or not?
7 years on, 1 month off. My person experiences.
Wedding & drinking
Minimal side effects
Family friendly neighborhood
Question about cost…
Favorite med?
Tapering from 5mg
trouble sleeping
Does anybody else read 3+ books at a time or are you normal?
Took a dose late led to terrible morning
Boyfriend is year 2 med student, can't focus
When taking Lexapro did you just wake up one day feeling better or is it a gradual come on?
I think i double dosed on accident. How do you guys keep track?
Nausea for 2 hours
Insights on “evening” out the mental load after residency
“Sledding” vs “sled riding”
Basement drain back up
Of all your toddlers books, which one do you enjoy reading most as the parent?
Those married to neuro or ortho surgeons (or any surgeon)— what is your communication like?
Med Student + New Parent
trying to figure out my career, given the whole medspouse thing