What are men doing on the toilet for 40 minutes?
I’ve never painted before, but I saw these in a dream and I had to bring them life.
Anyone using this? What is it called?
Protesting today. A hippie tradition
HEADS UP - Street sweeping resumed today!
BWT, where are we buying real art that we can afford?
I spend all week longing for the weekend then when it comes I can’t *do anything* argh
Help using Wizards 50% off at Papa John’s?
Reminder to wash your water bottles!
I am grateful for my morning walks.
I'm not Jewish myself but I made this little wallhanging as a gift for someone who is - Star of David and flowers
Something I grew just from seeds
A red prom dress I made recently :)
I got 45 bags of trash at 67th Ace and Foothill Blvd in East Oakland
Here’s what happens when you ice dye a shirt you tied to liquid dye…
Giverny inspired flowers
trying to put on pants
Papa Johns $100 gift cards for $69.99
A KKK Klonclave in my area. I’m just so proud s/
I could watch this for hours
My Favorite kind of food porn 🥖🥐🥨
In a spirit of Lunar New Year.
"the smell is gone" watercolor and gouache 18"x24"
Some of my toughest cleanups and an annoucement