Is 4 rounds of interviews for an entry level position crazy?
Wsj says accounting is dying, anyone want to help get past the paywall?
Is anyone else having a really hard time finding entry level jobs?
Stay in school, guys.
Best adaptogen you've had that's not Ashwagandha?
New to herbalism, oat seed extract works amazing!
How much estradiol is too much?
What type of cardio is your favorite
Have some stressful things I need to get done, on TRT, anything I can add for 2/3 months with low side effects that can make me ngaf and get on with it?
Public vs. Private
What has had the biggest impact on your mental health ?
Real life reviews of Curex or Wyndly (not shill accounts)
Why would someone develop an allergy later in life?
Thoughts on the rise of colon cancer, causes, and prevention?
Need supplements to cleanse monelukast out of the system.
AI needed with TRT. I’ve played with many doses and can’t seem to get away from the AI.
Never a leading man but most definitely a defining character in every film he's in. What's your fave film he's in?
What supplements /brands do you swear by?
What are your hacks after having gotten an extremely bad night of sleep?
Easiest job to get in accounting without CPA ?
How to treat cannabis withdrawal symptoms?
High E2 but zero symptoms...
Anavar Cycle
Tips how to reduce naturally blood pressure?
Raw milk: can you use it for Kefir after it “sours”