I would think I’m good too if I was rolling in a posse of 7.
Player bounty question?
Are you fucking serious?
Red Dead Camp Stews
Best tank/survival build Ability Cards for bow and knife?
Favorite Free Roam Event & Why?
I love the free roam activities but they suck.
Hunters, where do you like to hunt and what do you like to hunt there?
One thing i hate about this game after being back
PS4 role players?
So, did any of you get those extra 5 days?
Viewing another players honour
All PlayStation players should join one lobby.
Player bounty
Another break in at the Bronte mansion
10:52pm and not counting
Bounty Hunter a bugged role or has online been breaking more recently?
What’s the point of deadeye?
Dead eye tags
When did legendary alligators turn into pussies?
Man this game kills me sometimes...lol
Why u should choose defence ability cards instead of damage..
For New Players - How to: Do "X" task to "Enemy" Dailies
Tracking down players?
Stew Pot not working in missions