Period coming? Listen to your body!!!!
Put your big three and let others comment your match!
Is anybody here actually trying to gain weight?
How do I eat properly so that when I get home I don’t rip through the cabinets?
I don't want to calorie count forever 😭
What are some things that kept your stomach on flat flat?
Tips for 💩
Just walked on my treadmill and did a Pilates workout for the first time in… years?
Perfume for a 75 year old lady
What are the benefits of incline walking?
Where do you get quality workout clothes?
Facing Homeless People
Are we wearing hats? How do you protect against strong sun on walks?
Why is walking outside harder than the treadmill?
Wedding Perfume
Any petites taking metformin?
What is your weird book ick?
Help to improve endurance and walking speed
For those walking 3+ hours a day, how do you pass the time?
What to do about sore feet
Brands of builder gel that actually soak off with acetone? (this one doesn't.)
Recommendations for daily, fresh but also sweet scents
Motivation? What drives you?
What is your favourite designer perfume?