Dance teacher Patsy Swayze (center), with her daughter-in-law Lisa Niemi and son Patrick, in 1978
Kanye West’s disturbing tweets from this morning. He praises Hitler among other disgusting comments.
Who is the most legendary redditor of all times?
Couple’s dog steals the spotlight at their wedding
Eli5: How do Geo guessers are so good at guessing the region from literally a photo of a street or a mountain or literally a desert?
ELI5 How can a mirror be viewed by people and look different to each of them?
What's the most ridiculous lyric you have ever heard in a song?
52! Hunting the 10k comment next
Restaurant für Geburtstag
What's your current streak
What was the first major news story you remember as a child?
Which Coldplay song would you want played at your funeral?
Ok der hier dauert ne Weile bis er zündet..
An AI chatbot told a user how to kill himself—but the company doesn’t want to “censor” it
Aliens are arriving on Earth in 7 days, and only one human can represent all of humanity. Who should it be, and what makes them the best choice?
Southern Norway Hideaway
Worin zahlt 'ne Kalauerkatze ein?
Wie heisst die skandinavische App zum Teilen von Autobildern?
Was machen Fernbeziehungspaare in der Disco?
ACHTUNG! Im letzten Wort die ersten zwei Buchstaben zu vertauschen, kann einen guten Wortwitz...
Warum heisst es Kredithai…
Warum bucht der Bauer eine Pflugreise?
Was war das nerdigste, was ihr mal aus Versehen beim Sex gesagt habt?