[LOTM General] Who is the strongest of the 3 traitors? no COI spoilers
[lotm vol 4] meme crusade day 2
[Lotm general] Let's settle the big 5 debate. Pick one.
[lotm general] Made another quicky.
[Lotm general] I knew what I had to make the second I saw this pic
It's not on the right eye, thats good [lotm general]
[Lotm volume 8] what do you think would be arrodes' freaky question to miss justice?
[LotM V5/1054] contain major spoiler, view this post if you already finished read or dc.. Question
[Lotm general] Anyone else.. or just me?
[LOTM new reader/chap 35] "concern" "Mighty figure" So basically, Klein is a fraud
Does he not know the difference between Amon and Adam? [LOTM volume 5]
[LOTM v8] Susie corruption
[LotM V5] Klein destroyed this poor man
[LOTM VOL 4] I just finished the fourth volume and i am in half way to end LOTM so this is my top of the four volumes
[LotM newbie] What pathways I need to know?
Which anime was this for you? (Darling in the franxx for me)
[LoTM V1+]
When someone says "Asura," I imagine him.
I would like to become a content creator, but I'm afraid it wouldn't work, so I'm here asking for help.
That , and add to it my Nico and Cecilia hate posts
I’m caught up to the manhwa. What chap of the novel should I begin in?
[LOTM general] Congratulations to us!
[LotM V3] Based on a recent interaction I had
[Lotm Chapter 1004] Klein... Run!!!