How much do you feel you practically "own" you online video purchases for your lifetime
How do I stop getting friendzoned?
I can finally understand why so many guys in their 30s and up complain about how difficult it is to meet anyone
Where to find box size?
Are there any fundamental design decisions about Marvel Champions you would have liked to be different?
Long-term effect of charging at 100w?
The best way to focus on certain cards?
Women asking men out?
How do you get better at flirting and find people who wanna flirt back?
Minimum card purchase to not be a burden
The rise of the unbeatable co-op games?
What food or dish would be world-wide beloved if it was easily accessible?
Boardgame mechanics in a deck of cards
Tap dancing isn't really a dance
Is there a simple card game tester
For DC United, which heroes do you think are missing from which teams?
How do you decide which games to skip when you start a series
We dated for two months because she thought she will eventually start to like me
Working out the game modes
To the guys that seek help in dating
Verson 2.0 of my Marvel United Data
(34m) Spent half my life following the advice of"working on myself", feel scammed
Daily Game Recommendations Thread (August 02, 2024)
THEORY: DC retail box pivoted from Hush to sidekicks
Any gameplay expansions wanted for DC United from MU?