Could a mullet work with me?
Meet Jip!
How can I get my mullet to be less puffy more wavy and hangs down more?
Zondagochtend aan de Linge
Nothing comes to mind right
what song makes you think of this?
Misheard lyric
Name a song that makes you want to this:
Lengte van blessures niet (meer) bekend?
What songs got y’all like this
Toko Pindakaas! Aanrader!
Wie moet de nieuwe trainer worden?
Hoe verwijs jij naar een Utrechter?
Best Gorillaz Song To Start With D?
Happy valentines day!
Just found this band and obsessed, can you recommend some of your favourite songs for someone just getting into it? I've been listening to, 'Never Fight a Man with a Perm' and 'Samaritans on repeat'
Can you guess my favorite band? My collection after getting back into records after a long break.
New wallpaper 🙃
My new style of mullet
I got scammed
Anyone else got any unusual Evos?
Take me down to shrimpy 🦐 TOWN. Here at the mega jumbo shrimp corp headquarters in Phoeinx Arizona. I just got out of jail for punching a cop. We got the same worms.
The Swedish rock band Bob Hund ft Sebastian Murphy from Viagra Boys - The Freaks by Freddie Wadling.
3 year Journey.