If you could make a Stargate video game what would you put in it?
Why did SGU fail?
Replicators are here and we're responsible!
These micro robots are terrifying,
You know what IM PISSED
When your kid is just "a little bit" dramatic
Ancients in Universe
Should I watch Stargate Atlantis?
If a new game were to have two female protagonists in two RE1/2 style scenarios who would like to see as the two protagonists.?
How many platinum trophies do yall have? I have 0😭
If you could have one thing in the near future of games lore wise what would it be?
What was the best and worst thing about Halo 2 in your opinion?
Please Gearbox, for BL4 change how cosmetics drops.
Big problem for borderlands 4
PS5 with PS4 Co-op
Game not saving
Carrying to Immortal today
This going to take forever!
Fools we were! The evidence was here all along!
Jackpot 🤯 + 1.10M Legendary Eggs
When to prestige in endgame?
What is the best combo for pets I have all of them level 100.
Updates when?
The prestige plateau
Need a partner