I Smoked Bufo Alvarius. 5-MeO-DMT, Died and Came Back to Life (Here's what I experienced)
Maybe he has a beef with his mother
Should I be concerned?
3 month old feeding only under 10 minutes
42 years young today 👍🏾
SERIOUSLY how did yall lose weight??
Please tell me this is normal
6week old wants to breastfeed all the time
Did anyone NOT switch to floor bed once baby was mobile?
The Apprentice on my Facebook feed
Unpopular opinion: I miss the feeling of my breasts being full/engorged before my supply regulated
Ring sling?
Sleep training, attachment style, and responding to cries
Wow I see now why you guys bedshare
Love transforms everything around you - it is not "out there" but your own perception. Be the light and seek to radiate rather than receive.
My 2.5 month old has been pushing me away when I try to comfort her... Is this a sign of insecure attachment?
Experience of spending day with my friends and their sleep trained baby
Is the concept of "past lives" compatible with non duality ?
Can’t lose weight while ebf
First time swimming?
Update: AITAH for sterilizing myself against my partner’s wishes
Getting downvoted for advocating for bedsharing on a parenting sub
My baby's head sweats a lot in his sleep
No one warned us!! What's yours?
Is it normal to kiss your baby on the lips?