Migraine every single day for a year
What's the most insulting "benefit" a job has offered you?
"In order to host Friendsgiving, you have to have friends"
What’s a game-changing insight your therapist casually dropped during a session that completely shifted how you see things?
What kinds of folk remedies were used not too long ago that now seem cringe-worthy?
What’s something you’ve always thought was normal until you realized other people didn’t experience it?
What is the most overrated thing in New Orleans. Can be food, attractions, whatever it may be.
Moving existing lead. Anyone had it done?
How was the first date with your current spouse?
Foods where the vegetarian / vegan alternative just tastes better than the meat version to you?
Medical professionals, What’s the no. 1 thing you would advise to most people?
How do you explain migraines to someone who has never experienced them?
What is the wildest thing you've brought into the movie theatre?
Please share your success stories…I’m starting Trintellix soon and need some hope.
What is the most disturbing thing you saw on tv?
Does anyone have a household binder? Please tell me what’s in it and how you utilize it
i work at a residential mental health facility. ama
AITAH for telling my girlfriend she's wrong about my family after she met them for Thanksgiving?
Found out my in-laws think I have Munchausen's
Most ridiculous "doctor note" requests you've received?
Pill Seekers
Pregabalin and Bupropion
What’s something that people don’t understand until they experience it themselves?
What caused your chronic pain?
What was ruined because of 9/11?