Can't teleport from oilwell to Plains at certain story point?
Someone's office on reddit
What is one thing Taco Bell needs to bring back in 2025
New PokéGals got Revealed Today. Thoughts on Their Designs?
What's a deck you built with an unconventional theme/idea?
We're so cooked lol, godspeed everyone
Share your mono Black Commander... That isn't Aristocrats!
What Your Commander(s) Says About You
Nude and swimsuit official arts (part 2)
Colors of all the scions in the y'shtola commander deck?
Please! 😭🙏
A Therapist Could Make A Career Out of This Conversation
It's just the plot, I swear
UPDATE: Pokémon Emerald Legacy Enhanced - With Nature Mints, EV/IV Editing, Egg Move Tutor, Overworld Surfing Sprites, Feebas Fishing Sparkles and V1.1 Updates.
Games you wouldn’t recommended
I care only for relevant discussions:
Commanders that feel like cheating
Stalling out at 3-4 weeks post op?
The masculine urge to play Pokémon Emerald
First Cardboard Cutout
Looks like BG3 is now the gold standard
What good deck ideas exist for the new skarmory?
What are your favorite mono-color commanders?
Got my copy of the 10th anniversary merch
Selling some Choco + Vani Figs!