Why do some Canadians insist that war between Canada and the U.S. is not gonna happen, while other Canadians are convinced it's inevitable and even imminent?
Who the hell are we voting for?
What are these circles?
If Doug ford shuts off the power for eastern states whats going to happen?
Who are you voting for in the federal election?
Today I found out that my mom died...
How were you not attracted to Christine !!
Janelle walking out of the PMS discussion with the Colliers.
Who did Britney vote for? (WRONG ANSWERS ONLY)
Should We Help South Carolina?
Are we counting this right?
Who is your fav random side character from over the years?
The christmas gift exchange group text
Bay’s SA.
My take on a cast for season 3. Who would you add as the final cast member?
My sister did more fanart (WIP)
What is the Best One-Season Storyline in Show's History?
Is he on drugs?
What's your hill?
Robyn from Day 1
One sentence someone told you that’s stuck in your head to this day
What totally normal saying do you dislike?
Non Americans, what did you think of Trump\Vance lecturing Zelensky?
Why don’t you believe god doesn’t exist
Who is this in st john's?
Who is this in Sacramento?