Anyone else go through celiac testing for their toddler or kid?
Altar Update
Finally stopped nursing after 3.5 yrs nervous for the weight loss journey ahead of me
Couples therapy worth it?
Got evaluated and I’m not autistic
When you're out in the wild (metaphorically), what are your petpeeves? What overstimulates you so fast?
My Altar ☽⛤☾
Name the weirdest special interests you have had.
Dog in candle for Hecate’s Night
I’m just exhausted with ruminating over an interaction
Dream meaning of eating a snake?
Dream about a bus accident
found on pinterest and thought i'd share! how many apply to you?
Any book recs for learning about transits?
What time do your kiddos go to sleep?
Scary!! Febrile Seizures
I'm a _____ Moon, of course I ______....
It's just our signs 😆
tell me your venus & mars
Should I not be telling my daughter she is beautiful?
Is your birthday also the Biggest-Meltdown-of-the-Year day?
feeling the best on my period?
Does anyone else struggle with hypo episodes after getting A1C back into normal range?
Adults who were NOT spanked, how did you turn out? What’s your behavior like now?