what's the hardest part about tennis?
According to yesterday's thread, I went for maximum intimidation mode this morning
What's the difference between Grip and Overgrip?
Just watched Annette, and I can’t wrap my head around how Howard manages to be THIS hot?
why is cow meat called beef, pig meat called pork, but chicken meat just called chicken?
What humorous street names do you have in your town?
Tennis Faux-Pas ?
What would you do if you were sitting in your parked car in a public parking lot and someone took a picture of your license plate and walked away?
Were they good parents to Emma?
Dogs on Tennis Courts
Why do some gas pumps (in the US) have a label about "this product contains 10% ethanol?"
Is "American Pie" by Don McLean so ingrained in American culture that the majority can recite its lyrics by heart?
Is anybody else sick of the noise and videos about xrp going to insane values ?
That's what cameras in the home are for
Those aren't pistachios
What convinced you to buy Tangem?
How do people have loud voices without yelling or screaming?
Another noob question - regarding the backups
What mental processes do you have to turn a match around?
Newbie question - Please help
Medical professionals, any interesting stories of when you were the patient?
How significant is this?
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