Its not out yet, just teasing.
A whole new dinosaur and still no Microraptor???
Don't change the channel! - alien/slime (ms_magus)
Don't change the channel! [F] (ms_magus)
West Virginians speak out at hearing on bill that could lock up librarians
Couldn't pass up the meme potential
Chris Miller threat campaign ad
[deleted by user]
Best app for period tracking?
Who's scat is this?
West Virginian women... why aren't you voting?
Game crash after screen got black out. Does anyone have this problem? Or is it my PC problem? I used Win10 before playing games so smooth, now Win11 so many problems occur to me.
Primer for painting bones?
This is what happens when a wind farm comes to a coal town
What Games Do You Think I Play Based On My Color Palette???
Your Cakedate Determines your Predicament, Whats says You?
WV trying to ban ranked choice voting? (overwhelmingly supported by voter base in states that do/researched/tested this)
House Bill 3497
Expressing the complexity of West Virginian culture
MetroNews- Delegates pass bill allowing educators to carry concealed weapons in schools after 24 hours of training
WV Related Stream of Consciousness
Senate proposal would expand work requirements for nutrition benefits for adults without dependents
Testimony against the Transphobic "Women's Bill of Rights" HB 5243
What do our dinosaurs do when we’re logged off?