apa kereta pertama korang? comment sikit
PAS: Batalkan konsert Ed Sheeran
just starting out youtube
nasi kukus ayam berempah Rm7
Drake better than Michael Jackson
What's your favourite Malaysian food?
Rate SOS on a scale of 1-5
Made a phone background from the new album, hope y'all love it :)
Anwar PM 10
Mobile hotspot
/r/malaysia daily random discussion and quick questions thread for May 02, 2022
What's your average salary in your profession/field? Mainly for bachelors graduate.
LPT: while driving, if you decelerate instead of tapping the breaks when trying to slow down, you'll not only save on gas usage, but reduce traffic.
unpopular opinion: cycling in malaysia is quite toxic
Without mentioning your country’s name, which brand identifies where you’re from?
My guy got dem skills
Edited a post from another group I’m in to reflect my experience.
The times you ate cereals are only the ones you made it at home. You never really order cereal from a restaurant.
I told my housemate to remove the plastic before putting the chicken in the oven
New to Grime
The blended part is dope. I really want some Drizzy and Kenny. My favorite rappers.
Laugh Now Cry Later —> GOD.
basically sums up econs
Forgot to write the questions answered in the online exam!