Why on earth would I dream about cutting off my own genitals? All of them, I am male.
So much for that pesky First Ammendment.
Do you think tarot is bad or evil?
I’m scared of old age
What's your favorite "non-official" Disney princess?
Why am I always having to take on responsibilities? Raising my little sister on my own since 18. Dad just died over overdose. Need hope
Thoughts on Scorpio risings?
Can spirit influence my sexuality?
If tearing muscle rebuilds them, what’s the spiritual version of a daily workout?
If you could have any hairstyle from the princesses, which one would you choose?
I wish people would stop telling me to meditate!
Why Are People So Opposed To Spirits and Afterlife?
I have Libra Venus (29 degrees) 12H in harmonious aspects is this good or..?😂
Should I cut my bangs again?
Is anyone else having strange dreams?
I had a dream I got facial feminization surgery and then regretted it.
Asked for my spirit guides to come to me in my dream
Ykw I've been feeling like sh*t lately, may I request images of our angel for some needed happy chemicals?🥺💞
I dreamed that I was trapped in YouTube.
Guess my big 3.
Am I a "sucker" for needing constant attention?
I act like a child
Would dying my eyebrows make them look more even?