Bra self destructed on my body - twice
What's a good way to reply to defense of Kamala for not voting for her cuz of Gaza
Reposting for enjoyment.
Thought exercise regarding the latest GB flipflop on oral & anal sex
AIO for wanting to quit my job after being told that I smell and wear weird clothes?
“Mein Kampf” is the Perfect title for a Fascist Book
Long live the Sahel revolutions.
Nader Goes NATO
Absolutely terrified
Shouldn't liberals be fighting against Nazis, Trump supporters, fascists, instead of leftists? Why are they like this?
What it was always all about
Oral and Anal Sex between couples - 1978 position readopted as new light! Another proof that these guys are just making things up. See flipflops over the years:
Comrade Trump looks to have been reading Juche
Workers get shafted, what is to be done?
Realtor Karen FAFO
I’ll buy any brand from Aldi but this is a no go. Palmolive or Dawn is the only way.
SWG Restoration Senate Confirmation
in a single sentence, tell us what made you leave/stop believing
Am I overreacting? Dog put to sleep.
My husband spotted a box stuck under a truck driving through a parking lot in Burnaby, BC. He flagged the driver down and helped get the box unstuck. When he opened it, he found three tiny babies inside!
Boomer at a Gun Shop Thinks I'll Like His Idea About Posting a Swastika in the Shop Office
Global laughingstocks for a reason.
Intelligence questioned for leaving