Daily Questions Megathread March 14, 2025
How cooked is bro?
Future banner via wuwaguy
Daily Questions Megathread March 11, 2025
was it worth it? Absolutely not, but it satisfied my gambling addiction nonetheless
For anyone losing their 50/50s all the time, there is hope!
Which is the safest option?
Any operators' voiceline that lives rent free in your head?
What Crit Rate Do You Usually Settle For?
What anime are you defending like this
Each time someone ask which character to pull I'll always answer with
Bella got heart eyes damn
How can you convince a DBZ fan the Goku isn't soloing any verse?
Rinascita is Brant's domain now-
Brant makes 1.0 holograms look like babies
I love when kuro just decides to just say “fk your damage”🌚
Brant is a must-pull for casual players. Holo D6 FONR
Give me characters who can permanently kill Doomsday
Just a little reminder that, it has been 5 years ago already
Who wins?
What would you do in this situation?
[Suggestion] Revamp and Dynamic Gameplay HUD for PC & Console w/ Edited Image Mock-Up by Me (Explanation in the Comments)
Ultimate madoka is set on erasing those characters from existence. Tell me how far can she go, no holding back ?
What’s a real life skill you learned from watching anime?