Hi guys I'm a 19 year old South african who dropped out of high school I only have my grade 8 and I want to be able to learn so I can do my matric eventually ? Help me please?
I need help please
my ocd is hurting me & ruining everything in my life
clicking in knee 4 weeks after injury
Have not done a lick of HS math at all and I plan to major in Math, how do I learn 4 years of math in a few months?
on average how much do mris cost?
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A level results
physio says its a grade 1 acl tear , how to speed up recovery
frustrated with recovery and would appreciate insight on my knee
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what to expect during a knee ultrasound
swelling in knee moving up the leg.
cool places/restaurants in jhb to do Christmas lunch?
Best 2 minute noodles?
how to walk with crutches?
Dislocated kneecap today
would love some insight on my knee injury
What will you guys eat on Christmas next week?
what not to do after knee injury
crutches are freaking killing my hands
when to see the doctor for a knee injury
should I check out this knee injury
What is your way of learning maths