Did Arthur… get some?
Is this where we've come to?
TM has honestly been quite fire since Vol 12
Your skill isn't the issue..... it's your team comps.
Chapter 509
Transfolk finnes, samme hvor mange ganger noen roper «det finnes bare to kjønn»
Any troop combo to beat this?
Noen som kjenner på værangst
Noen andre her som har like romslig budsjett?
Just a rant, but we need to stop blaming women for marrying/having babies with bad men
How true is it that Norwegians are more forgiving towards broken Norwegian than the other Scandinavians?
Varay is an asura now?
The solution to the "sky falling"-problem in 508
508 - Outcome
Mikayuu because I expect this to happen
Predictions for todays chapter
No new chapter until feb 28
Kunne noen forklare hvorfor det at Jens Stoltenberg kommer tilbake er en så stor greie?
Hvorfor støtter noen nordmenn Donald Trump?
Are there any other banned Bankai like Shinji’s ?
Which hand of the soul king would you embody to have their powers?
Don't Think Too Deeply About This 💀😂 (Meme)
507: Curtain fall