What’s the greatest sitcom performances of all time?
In 12 hours everyone is allowed to choose one person to die. Will you survive?
Would you start a relationship with someone with serious health issues?
Confused by drivers in the left lane in the US
Classic rock albums that are very well produced
What’s that one song you consider a perfect 10/10?
fun Easter egg in today's "Sports Connections"
What comes to mind when you see this guy ?
Would you take $1,000,000 that’s yours to keep forever, or $1 billion that loses 30% of its value every day for 1 month?
Song for my Father by Horace Silver (1964)
Favorite Fleetwood Mac song and why.
It’s the summer of 1983 and you’re headed to the theater- what are you going to see?
What are some sitcom tropes you don't like?
Songs with a distinctly American feel
For those who saw Pulp Fiction in the theater, what was the audience reaction like?
LBJ wins a second term in 1968 and serves as president from 1963-1973. Assuming he survives his entire term, how do you think this affects both international and domestic politics in the country? Does the New Deal coalition survive?
Kissing your spouse
Things you don't want to hear during a tour of a nuclear power plant
I just realized that Dude eats nothing in the entire movie except maybe some of Donny.
Any girls/couples have advice for young couple wanting to go?
What's a film that you think gets better with every rewatch?
Today is George Harrison’s birthday, what’s your favorite song of his?
Did you go to your HS 50th anniversary?
Ever been to a concert where in your opinion the support act outperformed the headliner?