Couldn't find some info about a card i saw on internet and from which deck it come from
Couldn't find some info about a card i saw on internet and from which deck it is
Can someone help me understand an old westernblot test of me please and if really those test are reliable? (sorry its in French)
Can anyone explain me a statement on popping from boppin andre please
Need some help to find some infos about a card i saw and from which deck it could be coming from
Anyone recognized that card from any tarot deck please? Sorry for the quality :/
Cbd isolate can turn to thc??
Isolate cbd can turn into THC??
Do we use/deplete our own energy during prayers if we dont mention any gods/deities or divine source?
Question on the rise of fall of The abdomen meditation technique safety and the relationship with this chakra location place.
With which egregore you are connected if you pray without mentioning any deities/gods?
is inflammation really based on positive ions ?
does the earth energy when going barefoot outside work only on root chakra ?
Does prayers create karma?
antioxydants useless because of ''pouches''?
does praying for healing create karma ?
Quote from a redditer on kundalini that i dont understand
Quote about kundalini i dont understand
what the meaning of the word ''tayata ''
is going barefoot (earthing) putting too much yin on the energy system?
Is going barefoot (earthing) putting too much yin qi on the energy system?