Help me name my cat! Adopted her a couple days ago and she’s super super affectionate but I’m stuck on what to call her!
name ideas for new kitten please :) (not basic)
Name my new boy kitten. He is 7 weeks old, and is very playful and shy mixed into one. I've liked the name binx and rocky but I'm just not certain of those names. Please help
I did something stupid
Infected root canal ate away my bone.
Please give my sister a palm reading. 15 years old female.
Left hand. Female. Please give me a palm reading!
Help me figure out what's going on with this swan.
WIBTA if I refuse to let my wife use my phone to call someone?
Is my CVS manager allowed to tell me I can't talk to a former CVS employee?
Jeremiah's brother Josh
Re: Almost Lost
I got told to turn my keys in
Back at my moms house. Could use encouragement or advice. Dementia or just addiction?
Keeps getting worse
Lost my uncle to mental illness
Greifing my uncle to mental illness/drug addiction
My uncle currently
Help me understand how to help my uncle
Is my uncle skitzophrenic?
Robotic voice responding to my conversation
Robot voice responding to me
robot voice responding to me
Robot voice responding to my conversation
What can legally be done?