Thatcher milk snatcher
Happy Launch Day KMS Admiral Hipper
Well isn’t this something…
Nowhere else to discuss this so i'm putting it here
When you hear the school version of history
Canadian soldier with burns caused by mustard gas, between 1917-1918
Posted this too cuz why not
When you conquer nearly a whole desert and several other large landmasses from the Orionites only to see your succeeding House fuck up everything and lose the colonies
“The Schleswig-Holstein question is so complicated, only three men in Europe have ever understood it."
We almost have more members than luxembourg army
There’s nothing quite like hunting a Grizzly Bear to overcome depression.
Intresting to watch
what if germany had their own war of independence post ww1
Small tomfoolery
This scene blew my mind as a kid
Hothead and Bowling Ball
Fellow enthusiests: what got you interested in WW1?
CIS Mira (docked left side of the dock) after she was scuttled with the remaining fleet stationed at St. Kirk, 1912:
Hindu symbols, Pagan runes, Nietzsche's work, etc.
Guys I've always wondered something...
Wilhelm was right to fire Bismark
My grandfather was a nazi, Germany in the 40s
my parents hate my boyfriend