Zombie Banquet
The mysterious Lady of Pain
Another scandal shaking up Germany: AfD in Karlsruhe have put fake "deportation tickets" into the postboxes of people with non German names
Lego Thulsa Doom
Conan the Barbarian
Hellforge Hold
Undead feast
What should I name my restaurant?
Is the grass greener?
Save me from Trump
ELI5 how 70 million Americans voted for a crazy person?!
My (24f) 25M husband is a porn addicted freak.
Perfectly executed
So a Reverend said this to me
Escaping the absurdity of modern work
Working in Germany- Shouldn’t we accept it is „just a job?“
D&D Lady of Pain and my fog machine
Deutsche Bank CEO Urges Germans to Work Harder to Escape Slump
EU family life dilemma: Moving to Germany or Staying in Canada
How are you all and what are your plans for today?
I paid for one Stanley water bottle and Amazon sent the whole case.
Yet another KWA honorable game
Wasp/hornet has not left my balcony for two days.. help!