Think fast! (Sealed Bite)
You need to think fast! (Sealed Bite)
When you don't return a book on time (Greek Tragedy)
When you forget to return a book on time (Greek Tragedy)
Which level from a non-horror game scared you when you were a kid? (Attic from Toy Story II)
Don't let them get close! (Sealed Bite)
Don't let them catch you! (Sealed Bite)
Which RPG do you consider ahead of its times and why? (Gothic II is my pick)
Would you prefer to play retro-stylized horrors on an old school TV, or a modern one? (Greek Tragedy)
Would you prefer to play retro-style horrors on an old school TV, or a modern one? (Greek Tragedy)
One step at a time (Sealed Bite)
One step at a time... (Sealed Bite)
Tacticats is OUT NOW on Xbox!
TactiCats is OUT NOW on Steam!
TactiCats is OUT NOW on Switch!
TactiCats is OUT NOW on Steam, Switch and Xbox!
What historical period do you wish more games took place in?
Here's Greek Tragedy for 15 seconds!
Here is Greek Tragedy for 15 seconds!
Which RPG did you fall in love with despite not thinking it's for you initially?
You gotta lock in (Sealed Bite)
Now that's the time to focus! (Sealed Bite)
What's the creepiest monster reveal you've seen? (RE 4 Remake)