10* Zinogre urgent using 10.5 Kushala LS (tapping gameplay POV)
Another elder down! 8* Teostra Solo using 10.5 Mizutsune LS
10* Season 4 Longsword Story Playthrough
Gotta love it
Finally ive done it! 8* Kushala Daora Solo using 10.5 Squawkscythe LS
10* Tigrex urgent quest using 10.5 Squawkscythe. My season 4 playthrough on 10* with LS is finally done!
First 10* Slayed!
Komodos, Adakah rekomendasi channel youtube yang kontennya bagus/menarik? Bonus point kalau channelnya agak hidden gems. Topiknya boleh tentang apa saja.
Does affinity +3% exist or is it a myth?
Got trolled by the game (again)
LS Iai slash
You can actually delay a helmbreaker jump if you don't perform any tap during the stab
Things You May Not Know
Has anybody tried paintballing a monster that is eligible for a Group hunt?
POV for how i play MHN irl
Finally got my first grade 10 weapon
10* Mizutsune urgent using G10.5 Halloween LS
Critical Element or Nergigante Avidity for LS?
Black diablos dirty roar
What’s a monster you REFUSE to fight with your main weapon?
Someone was left out of this event
Achieved a golden longsword max medal today
Most infuriating thing ever
Magnamalo hellfire counter + roar counter with longsword (turning it's most annoying attacks against it!)
When ⚡️Lightning Strikes a 10⭐️Rathalos 🔨