UPDATE on a rescue snake that wouldn't eat a thing.
Very emaciated rescue - lost cause?
My Brush With Death
So the leaks were right
SPOILERS FOR 5.3! A new look at the Ignition Trailer
When I put a building block set into the aquarium
7 days until sex with dottore 🥵🔥
Getting one of these beauties soon 💗
What tarantula scares you the most?
PLEASE HELP!! I went to work and I came back and he was covered in this stuff. He was perfectly fine before I left. Can anybody tell me what I can do? I have work tomorrow at 8 PM to 1 PM. And I don’t want him to die. And what is this on his body?
I mean... As long as it's comfortable for you, sir
Pls help, what is this?
before after waterchange
I'm going for more CD but how's he looking so far? He deserves my SWEAT and BLOOD
B. hamorii juvenile not eating or settling in after rehouse
Are dwarf white isopods ok to have in a snail enclosure?
Safe ways to stick thermostat probe.
Getting over my arachnophobia
The coming weeks will be excruciating, both the wait and the possible leaks. It will either make or break this flipping game for me.
Well, shit.
DIY ball python enclosure?
Is he ok? :(
Is my orchid mantis dead?