I see your slightly gay warship and raise you a slightly gayer deployment tent
Warship, not gay but will do gay things
Rate my edc
Am I crazy or is this the only non-botted Canadian sub?
Supporting someone in Basic that is stressed out?
Drinking a can of 70 year old survival water
Great thing to have in the church parking lot
Does everyone have the same theme song playing in their head?
Leaky fitting
Little Ben pushing for labor camps now
I'm a proud American, but if my country decides to go all-in on the crazy, I know where I stand...
Before the handgun ban?
Right now, Canadian subs be like / Tous les subs canadiens en ce moment
Plenty of tards livin really kickass lives.
Kissinger? Nah, Fuckinger!
Battle Of Stalingrad | German Wehrmacht
Ordering from Firearms outlet
A Room Of Korean Hikikomori
How do you deal with extreme tiredness and crankiness from rising early?
Do Your Worst, Reddit
His hair is even bigger than his whole head :(
Tschernobyl snow globe
Its me, and also probably you
Fermented ooking
You sniveling cretin!