Meme I made
Idea for a new flair
Sixties Psychedelic Essentials
Amoeba Swarm
What is your fav Unplugged track? And what song do you wish was on there without removing any others?
Is dictatorial better for under one rule or imperial?
r/Beatles wouldn't let me post videos
the riff was so good that my string broke
What is your favorite Smiths or Morrissey song that begins with the letter 'O’ and ‘P’?
What is your favorite Smiths or Morrissey song that begins with the letter 'M’?
Draco just saw your last meme related image on yo phone, what horrors did he find?
Advice for a Noob
SP Unplugged
top comment changes the us, no rules. day 2:
Dummy Pick-Ups
My reaction to the tik tok ban in the U.S
What is your favorite Smiths or Morrissey song that begins with the letter 'I’? (2-page list)
Kiss online store
If Money were no Object and you could only Live+Travel between 3 Nations (i.e. can not go to neighboring nations), which 3 would you choose?
What is your favorite Smiths or Morrissey song that begins with the letter 'H’?
A silly thing