Adding a second middle to a 9yo’s legal name?
For parents who assign (or are adamantly against) certain nicknames
Is it too unique?
Names in my daughter’s preschool class
Name suggestions wanted for new puppy
Boy names that start with “S”
Which 3 are you picking?
Do your initials spell out a word?
Why do all the good shows only have two seasons?
Does anyone else have a line that just inexplicably gets you?
what nickname did your villagers give you?
What's a situation where the cheap alternative isn't the worst?
Frankie vs Franky, am I the only one who thinks ‘Frankie’ with an ‘ie’ is the only correct spelling, regardless of gender?
Who were your starting villagers in ACNH?
I recently saw a post about how every pokémon is someone’s favorite and I thought it was so wholesome. Who is that villager for you?
Is it ok that we hardly ever eat with our toddler?
Names of people who eat butterscotches
What’s your favourite “not famous” character?
I have three normal villagers, which one should I get rid of?
What do you do when your kids don’t eat the food you make for them?
What's one thing a therapist has said to you that you will never forget?
My daughter somehow missed getting auto build but has the help of the 5 sages 🤣
Name the funniest adult joke from a children's show or movie?
What are your favorite cuss word alternatives?
Who is this lady?